Benefits And Dangers Of Chlorine In Showers, Pools, And Cleaning Products

Benefits And Dangers Of Chlorine In Showers, Pools, And Cleaning Products

For the past few years, many people have been alarmed
with the surfacing news about the possible dangers of
chlorine. The news was backed by many clinical
researches and studies on tap water. Experts and
researchers stressed the fact the there are dangers of
chlorine in showers, pools, and cleaning products.
However, people should also not forget about the
benefits of chlorine.

Before you look into the dangers of chlorine, you
should first know what chlorine is. Every home has a
shower room and quite a few have swimming pools too.
It is also a must to maintain the home’s cleanliness
by using cleaning products. Since you’re exposed to
chlorine everyday of your life, it would help a lot if
you know substantial info about chlorine.

Chlorine is used for different purposes. It is one of
the elements found in cleaning products and aside from
that it is also used in pool sanitation. The gas form
of chlorine is poisonous. You will note that chlorine
has a strong odor and when the liquid form us
released, it immediately turns to a hazardous gas.
Just try to imagine your pool filled with that
element; you will surely have second thoughts about
dipping in it even for a few minutes, right? But you
must know that the chlorine present in pools and
showers is already extremely diluted.

Public pools make use of more chlorine as compared to
private pools. Even if they have high chlorine
content, public pools are much safer. Chlorine is a
powerful cleaning agent. Private pools usually have
lower chlorine content because less people swim in it
and so there is fewer bacteria.

If chlorine is used properly, you will benefit a lot
from it. It can disinfect the water that flows from
your faucet and it can kill the bacteria present in
the pool. The house will also be kept clean and free
from germs and other bacteria. However, things can
suddenly turn unpleasant if you are overexposed to

Homeowners should be advised that chlorine is a
dangerous compound. Many years ago, it was used as a
poisonous substance. It can destroy your respiratory
system and if you inhale its concentrated form, you
will not be able to breathe. Chlorine is not explosive
but if you mix it with other compounds like ammonia or
turpentine, it can become combustible. Be very careful
when mixing cleaning products. You see, if you have
chlorine bleach at home, don’t try to mix it with
other household cleaners because it can turn into a
dangerous gas.

You can’t avoid using chlorine everyday. However, with
the right practice, you can use the element to your
advantage. Make sure that you keep all your household
cleaners in a safe place. The same thing should be
observed when storing your sanitation supplies for the
pool. You have to ensure that children can’t reach it
to avoid any accidents in the future. When using the
household cleansers or the pool cleaning supplies, you
should wash your hands thoroughly afterwards and
before preparing your meals.

There is always a good side and bad side; that is also
true with chlorine. If you use if properly, you can
enjoy its benefits but if you use it unwisely and
carelessly, your health will pay the price so be aware
of the dangers of chlorine in showers, pools, and
cleaning products.

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