Tag Archives: Cleaning

The Latest Vacuum Cleaning Equipment Is NOT Your Mothers Old Machine!

The Latest Vacuum Cleaning Equipment Is NOT Your Mothers Old Machine! There was a time not to long ago when a vacuum cleaner was basically the same machine no matter where or how it was purchased. In previous times, the decision on what vacuum cleaner to purchase was based more on the “extras” the salesman

12 Things To Know About Carpet Cleaning

12 Things To Know About Carpet Cleaning Carpets, there in all of our homes. Of course it’s a given that at some point you will be doing some carpet cleaning. Here are 12 things to know about carpet cleaning that will make your life easier. 1. Toxic Most of the products on the market for

House Cleaning – The Professional Business

House Cleaning – The Professional Business Most people get into house cleaning to earn some extra money. You may have family, friends and neighbors as your regular clients. Are you ready and motivated to take your part-time business to the next level? Growing any business takes time and patience. And if you have a loyal

Cleaning House – Caring For Your Dollhouse

Cleaning House – Caring For Your Dollhouse We all have things in our lives that hold some sort of sentimental or monetary value. For some, it is a prized collection of coins or rare books. For others it is an irreplaceable antique or piece of jewelry. It is these things that always require special care

Make a Weekly Cleaning Schedule

Make a Weekly Cleaning Schedule We all know how easy it is for our week to get away from us. It seems strange because we live in such a highly technical age. Sometimes it feels as if all those toys that are supposed to help us live easier lives have actually taken over the world.

On My Wish List: The Ultimate Cloth for Cleaning

On My Wish List: The Ultimate Cloth for Cleaning I’ll be the first to confess that I’ll never win an award for housekeeper of the year. My home is never filthy, but it has what some friends kindly describe as the “lived in” look. There always seems to be a pile of papers on the

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